Sunday, January 22, 2012

Giving Blood

This Friday, I spent a couple hours giving blood (though most of that time was spent waiting). The nice man who took my blood pressure and blood sample said that I was very healthy and that he wished his blood pressure was as good as mine. I was also happy with my resting heart rate. I'm very thankful that I am healthy!

Part of the reason I made this blog was to stay accountable to my goals, so this will make much more sense once I actually finish posting those. Just thought I'd post this before I forgot, and also to let you know I'm still alive. Just busy.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

"Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginning's End"

I heard this song lyric during dinner yesterday, and realized how well it fit. As it was New Year's Eve, the new beginning of 2012 came from the end of 2011. A new year has always symbolized a clean slate, a time to try again, and never quit hoping, while always building on what we've learned in the past year. Yes, I am sad to leave 2011 behind, but as that beginning ends, we are embarking on a whole new adventure. That is the real reason I have started this blog. I want to keep better track of everything that happens this year so that I might more thoroughly absorb it and learn from it. You may notice many layout changes occurring over the next week or so, but bear with me. I hope that this will become a place where others can learn from my experiences and where inspiration can begin. The adventurous reader will find many different things here, including quotes, recipes, progress reports--all things that will mean enough to me that I will want to share them. So please, sit back, relax, and enjoy the journey that we call life.